Henderson Memorial Public Library

Name: Henderson Memorial Public Library

Location: 54 East Jefferson Street, Jefferson, OH 44047

Henderson Memorial is easily accessed in downtown Jefferson.  The collections are well marked making it easy to find the materials you are looking for. Near the circulation desk the DVDs and Music are easily browsed.  They also provide public access computers and free WiFi if you have your own electronic device. In the adult area near the magazines are chairs for reading as well as a puzzle laid out for anyone who would like to work on it. For a place to work or study there are several large tables nearby.

For the Summer SRP “Dig Into Reading” program the Children’s Department sponsored a “Muddy Good Times” for one of their programs. The library provided clay that looked like mud and the children made things out of the ‘mud’. The Adults were encouraged to read three books during SRP and choose a free paperback from the shelf by the circulation desk.

A flyer for two programs caught my attention under the title “Digging Up Your Ancestors” They did “Gravestone Rubbings” one day and a “Genealogy “Workshop” the next.The gravestone rubbings were taken at a local cemetery and used different mediums to take them. There is more information at the library website  http://henderson.lib.oh.us/.



Whitesboro, TX Public Library

Location: Whitesboro, Texas 76273

Name: Whitesboro Public Library

Whitesboro Public Library is a City Library. This friendly branch is in a lovely building on Main Street. It is well laid out with good signage. The staff is ready and registering for the the upcoming Summer Reading Program “Get Fired Up For Reading”. They Plan to have 52 programs in 6 weeks including a Lock-In with a late pizza party supper and a walk to the nearby donut shop for breakfast. They have many incentives for reading including the two bicycles shown below. The library has a lot to offer the community. People can apply for Passports at the library including getting their picture taken. There is wireless internet available for those with their own devices or public access computers for those who need internet access including a visitors pass for people who do not have a library card. Two computers are dedicated to the children. There is a History/Genealogy corner for those wanting to do research and two study spaces if someone needs a quiet place to work. The study spaces can be reserved or are available if no is using them. There is also a Conference Room available to the public for meetings and receptions by reservation. Outside the library next to the parking lot is a lovely gazebo open to the public as a place to come sit, read and enjoy. The Library is also involved in Project Linus to help provide security through handmade blankets. The quilt shown is one the children helped make in 2010.

R. F. Meador Branch Library

Name: R. F. Meador Branch Library

Location: Willis, TX

The R. F. Meador Branch is part of the Montogomery County Memorial Library System. It is located at 709 West Montgomery, Willis, Texas  77378.  As you come through the door you can see the main desk and are welcomed by friendly staff. Inside the doors on your  left there are audio books and videos available along with a paperback collection organized by author to be checked out.   On the right side the Friends of the  Library have a tasteful well organized display of books for sale.    Although the building is not large the signage is clear and each collection is easily found. There are public access computers available for adults and teens.  It is obvious that all all ages are welcome here.  There is a Young Adult area set aside  with two tables to study at or meet with friends. Two computers are set up in this area. To encourage reading there is a truck of New YA books as well one of graphic novels available for the young people to read. There is an office with a window next to this room so the there is supervision if needed.

The Children’s Department is well stocked and ready for Summer Reading Program. They have a fire engine bookshelf seating area donated by the local fire department.  A unique feature in the adult area is a Coupon Exchange near the magazine/newspaper section with coupons separated, organized and ready for use.  This is a place where the Community can come to study, do research or find fun materials to read, watch or listen to.

Alvin Public Library, Alvin, Texas

Name: Alvin Public Library

Location: Alvin Texas

Alvin Public Library is part of the Brazoria County Library System. It is located at 105 South Gordon in Alvin.  The staff is friendly,  willing to answer questions and help in any way they can.   The building is nice and well kept.  It is well laid out making the collections easy to access.   As you enter the library, the circulation desk is on the left with a copy machine and a welcoming  children’s area on the right.  There are computers available for the children and an alcove nearby for activities and story time. There are bright kid friendly bulletin boards and a beautiful mural on the ceiling of this area.  There are also several free public access computers available for adults who want to get on the internet.

The building is well laid out with adult and non-fiction on one side with audios and Children’s materials on the the other.  At the back is a reading/study area where newspapers and magazines are available for public use with comfortable seating.  It is a quiet refuge from a busy day or a friendly place to read.

Revolving racks containing paperbacks for sale at a reasonable price are near the entrance for easy access for customer who are in the area temporarily  or going on vacation and are looking for something to read and not have to return. This area is provided by the Alvin Library League.  A nice place to visit.

Danbury, TX Public Library

Name: Danbury Public Library

Location: Danbury, Texas

Danbury Public Library is a branch of the Brazoria County Public Library System.  It is located between Angleton and Alvin Texas off of highway 35.  As I went into the building I was welcomed by the staff and their attitude was one of readiness to help me in any way.  They are making excellent use of the space they have.  The collection is easy to use and The bulletin boards are fresh and current.image

There is an activity room used for story time and other library activities.  If you are interested in local history there a many pictures in this room showing the history of Danbury.

As I was leaving I noticed a rotating book rack with paperbacks for sale to those who prefer to purchase rather than borrow books.  I plan to return and look over the paperbacks again.

Clear Lake, TX Freeman Public Library

CL Freeman lib

Name: Clear Lake City-County Freeman Branch Library  www.hcpl.net

Location: Clear Lake, Texas

Freeman is part of the Harris County Public Library System located  in Clear Lake, TX.  This is the library I retired from so I am some what prejudiced toward it. Freeman is one of the larger branches and is able to offer programs and classes not available in some of the smaller branches.  They have free computer classes, regular teen programs, programs for children of all ages as well as programs geared for adults on a weekly basis.  There are two floors with the children’s department and circulation desk on the first floor. Also on the first floor are several internet computers as well as a large screen TV with seating nearby. The second floor has about 30 public access computers, the adult area of fiction, non-fiction and reference materials. There is also a large supervised teen area set aside for young people to study and go online and a computer lab that is open to the public when there are no computer classes in session.

fm mural

When entering the library one of the first things that greets you is a wall sized mural
showing the history of the Clear Lake area from pirates to aerospace. If  you look closely at the mural you will see  that the artist included staff members and County representatives in the art work. This beautiful work was done by Pat Rawlings who has many more interesting works of art  on his website that is linked above.



2009 – Cruising to Alaska – Downtown Seattle

We spent our last vacation day exploring downtown Seattle. Jackie especially wanted to visit the Seattle Central Library which is famous for its design and unique architecture. We arrived just in time to join an architect led tour of the library. It was quite interesting and I recommend the tour to anyone.

We, and about every person in the Seattle metro area headed for Pike Place. It was packed. Still, we enjoyed checking out all the flower and fish and vegetable venders. We also had lunch at a crowded and busy little fish and chips place. After an hour or so at Pike Place we headed up the hill and bought some coffee and sat down for a nice break.

All the downtown area is a free ride zone on the city bus system, so we hopped on and off at several places before boarding the monorail to City Center where we watched a street performer doing some nifty juggling.

We finished off the evening at the Cheesecake Factory. Neither of us could eat all the food that we ordered. From there it was back to the hotel for final packing in preparation for an early flight home.

Here and There