Name: Henderson Memorial Public Library
Location: 54 East Jefferson Street, Jefferson, OH 44047
Henderson Memorial is easily accessed in downtown Jefferson. The collections are well marked making it easy to find the materials you are looking for. Near the circulation desk the DVDs and Music are easily browsed. They also provide public access computers and free WiFi if you have your own electronic device. In the adult area near the magazines are chairs for reading as well as a puzzle laid out for anyone who would like to work on it. For a place to work or study there are several large tables nearby.
For the Summer SRP “Dig Into Reading” program the Children’s Department sponsored a “Muddy Good Times” for one of their programs. The library provided clay that looked like mud and the children made things out of the ‘mud’. The Adults were encouraged to read three books during SRP and choose a free paperback from the shelf by the circulation desk.
A flyer for two programs caught my attention under the title “Digging Up Your Ancestors” They did “Gravestone Rubbings” one day and a “Genealogy “Workshop” the next.The gravestone rubbings were taken at a local cemetery and used different mediums to take them. There is more information at the library website